We were made from God's love, right? We were made holy through Christ. God sees us as His children, his perfect children. We are covered in His Love. If you think about it, that's a LOT of love. I mean, a whole lot. For Him to take us, give up His only son for us, to make His only son suffer for what we did, do, and will do, is insane. Our God is insane. Completely insane. I love it, I can't get over it, but I'm totally in love with Him.
The song "How He Loves" is playing in my ears right now. We are his portion. He is our PRIZE. That part gets me thinking. He's our prize.. His love is our prize and we've already got it. What did we do to deserve it though? He gave Himself, His son, and His love to us, to save us from sin, from the evil in the world, from Satan himself. All we have to do is follow God, listen to Him when He tells you that your world is about to be rocked, and move when He says move. God had a purpose for sending His son to save us. Long before He made you, me, or President Obama. This was his purpose.
".. When the time is ripe He will gather us all together from wherever we are -- in Heaven or on Earth -- to be with Him in Christ, forever." Ephesians 1:10.
So, He saves our lives, puts up with all the junk in our lives, handles all the good, bad, and ugly, and He still wants to spend eternity with us.. It says in the Bible that because of what Christ has done we have become GIFTS to God that He actually delights in, as a part of His plan we were chosen from the beginning to be His. We are God's gift? I always saw it as the other way around, but when you back up and look at it from a broad, open perspective, God saved us because He wants us, He obviously loves us, so we have to be of importance to Him. We mean the world to Him, He is showing that to us with everything He does.
"Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20.
God is all around you, up, down, behind, in front. Check the backseat, He's there too. He's not going to leave you, but you have to notice that and recognize that He is with you, in order to prosper and live in the Lord and his grace.
Learning that God is with you, is the safest feeling in the world. Knowing that He won't let anything move you or hurt you, lets you know that you are protected. That you are impervious to the sin around you. Our God is great, in everything He does.
He hit me hard tonight, showing me His word and opening my eyes to a view I haven't seen in a while. We are saved by Jesus' blood and that's a gift we seriously can't afford to miss.
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